京都・八瀬エリア スポット情報

詩仙堂 Shisen-do Temple【しせんどう】


The temple’s elegant garden with its contrast of the green of azaleas and the vivid colors of momiji maple leaves, together with the pillars and lintels found in the traditional Japanese formal reception room are as beautiful as a painting.

時間 9:00~16:45(受付)
9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (reception)
料金 大人500円・高校生400円・小中生200円
Adults ¥500, high school students ¥400, elementary and junior high school students ¥200
電話 075-781-2954
住所 京都市左京区一乗寺門口町27
アクセス 叡電「一乗寺駅」下車、東へ徒歩約15分

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